Man has lived in the Périgord for 450,000 years.
A look at our ancestors — a surefire prehistoric cliff-hanger!

For 150 years prehistory has occasioned many a heated debate between those
who are relentlessly searching and those who have implicit belief in the Bible

Fosse du roc de Marsal

The mystery of the hole-in-the-wall at the Roc de Marsal above Campagne

A team of French and American experts are to determine if the site was used for burials — or was it a primitive refrigerator for Neanderthal Man?

Encore tant de grottes à découvrir

Still so many caves just waiting to be discovered

At Lascaux it is as if Paleolithic man were holding out his hand to us before his traces disappeared forever beneath the surface of the earth. However, one thing is for sure: under the sediment that keeps building up and up lie more masterpieces of artwork which are getting hidden away that bit more each day.

ADRAHP à Saint Geyrac

Saint-Geyrac: Plunged in History 

The village of Saint-Geyrac, north of Rouffignac, spent a weekend living as Neolithic Man did, 8,000 years ago — taming fire, learning to work bronze, and in between devouring a 100%-archeology-compatible and simply delicious banquet worthy of Emperor Charlemagne.